Everyone knows how to dowse for simply 'Yes", "No" questions, but are you using your dowsing for what it was truly intended for?Learn these 5 simple dowsing steps to help lose the baggage and you will discover the stepping stones to your amazing intuitive Higher Self, plus you will be able to help others do it too!
Bring your dowsing pendulum.
"By seeking connection with that which is not known to the conscious mind, we deepen our faith, our ability to trust, and our sense of belonging. We also bring the gift of service and change by our willingness to try.” – Melinda Iverson Inn
By making the unconscious conscious and bringing a new dimensions to your life, you will make a shift from the physical, mental, and/or spiritual circumstances in which you find yourself. You will discover that unconscious something that is holding you stuck and release it easily and effortlessly.
Studies increasingly show that we co-create our own health and well-being, not just through external healing measures, but by developing inner harmony, balance, and clarity.
For over 15 years, Melinda Iverson Inn has been helping people to discover their own intuitive wisdom and to align with their internal power of intuition. In this interactive dowsing discussions she will be teaching and demonstrating the 5 steps to lose the baggage and reveal the hidden power of your connection to the Divine.
Donation €15
All proceeds go to supporting Cultural Salon and It's Programs
For anyone who would like to stay for after the talk, to eat & elaborate together, the Helvetia Bristol has offered a special menu at very special Cultural Salon prices: